Blindfire Vine

Carnivorous vines with a maw. A plant.

Imagine a tangle of vines with bright red pepper-like fruits. If a creature moves too close, it unfolds and tries to grab it, revealing a circular maw of thorns.

HD: 2 Armor: none
Hit it: easy Dodge it: normal
Move: no  

It is immune to being stunned. It can detect movement in its vicinity. However, it can’t see or hear.

Attacks (1/round)

Strangle. The blindfire vine makes a grapple attempt with reach. A grappled target can’t breathe and takes 1D4 damage every time it fails a roll to escape.

Blindfire Carpet

HD: 4 Armor: as leather
Hit it: easy Dodge it: normal
Move: slow  

It is immune to being stunned. It can detect movement in its vicinity. However, it can’t see or hear.

Attacks (1/round)

Smother. The blindfire carpet rises like a wave and collapses on a target. If it doesn’t dodge, the target is grappled, blinded and can’t breathe. Each attack against the blindfire carpet deals 50% damage to one of the creatures grappled by it.

Consume. The blindfire inflicts 1D4 damage to all creatures grappled by it.

Random Encounter
  1. Monster: 1 blindfire vine.
  2. Lair: A blindfire cartet. 1/2 chance there’s local fauna in it.
    Omen: The sound of an animal being strangled.
  3. Spoor: Well cleaned bones dropped on the ground beneath a tree.
  4. Tracks: Pepper smell.
  5. Trace: Blindfire peppers on sale at the market.
  6. Trace: Acid-washed bones.
Salvaging the body

Blindfire peppers are a delicacy, and they are better the more animals the plant has consumed. The plant’s fibers are used by locals to weave baskets.

D6 Symbolism

In local cultures, it is a symbol of …

  1. Fire
  2. Nature’s Wrath
  3. Ghosts
  4. Volcano
  5. Flavors
  6. Sacred


Vyderacs are a creation of Jacob Hurst, Evan Peterson, and Donnie Garcia found in Hot Springs Island. The creatures are not statted in the book, so I made my own version. — SaltyGoo

Written on November 14, 2020